Welcome to K&A Health
We at K and A Health have a combined work knowledge of 40+ years that spans the medical field, Chiropractic and Naturopathic care. We have had the privilege of assisting many people in their health struggles and consider it an honor to advise patients on their healthcare needs.
Our story, like so many others begins with a sincere desire to see people well. We are living in an age where ideas abound and innovation is advancing faster than we can keep up. Optimum health is the pursuit of many and yet we are facing health crises on a global level.
Pharmaceutical drugs are no longer enough and persistent strains of viruses and bacteria are forcing us to turn our attention to alternative methods of healing the human body.
We at K and A Health have been addressing this issue for the past 25+ years and have been manufacturing natural supplements that have a powerful and effective impact on sickness and disease. We understand that it’s not about making stronger drugs but more importantly, it’s about strengthening the immune system by giving the body the tools it needs to do what it has already been designed to do.
Furthermore, by working with the body’s built in mechanisms, no harm is done to any part of the body and no toxic substances are added to an already stressed system. Our formulas are a complex, synergistic blend of herbs, vitamins and minerals. They are non- toxic, non-alcoholic and completely safe for infants and adults alike.